Friday, September 4, 2009

Kicking Myself

Three investing books that influenced me a lot were; Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, How I trade for a living and How I made 2M dollars. One of the common theme in all those books were to stay with the major trend and ride the minor bumps on the way to make the big money. I should have listened to them. As many of you know I had bought ATPG when it was at 6 and sold it at 8ish...which is good but not great because it is trading at 13+ today. Similarly, I had STEC and FUQI too that I bought in the teens and sold for a profit. Once this market closes above 1020 on a monthly chart, I'll wait for a pullback, will buy stocks and hold those for a long-time. I'm done with this small profits.


Unknown said...

I feel you bro, what do you think about LVS i have been holding it since 11.70, i was tempted to take profit on so many and highs and wanted to sell on so many lows but kept keeping it for greed.


Babu said...
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Babu said...

Glad to see you started a blog!

Hopefully you remember me from Sajha [TimeTraveller]. Saw someone post link to your blog there today and followed it.

This market's still too crazy for me. Lots of volatility in the days ahead. Options seem a far better candidate. But thats just me. I've been doing some small option trades and they've been pretty good so far- they've all been volatility plays.

Excellent blog NT!

Unknown said...

Well, never mind. A profit is a profit no matter what. Maximizing it at times can be Harmful :)-. I guess as per you, it is supposed to be disciplined profit over consistent period of time that matters.

It is easy to lose money (shirts too) but difficult to make money in stock market.

TT bhai, welcome back here. Kata bepatta ni?

Unknown said...

Phew!!! No pull back yet. Still recuperating march's off the cliff drop. Holding onto few financials '11 call options and selling short term covered calls for equity I own; gives me some cushion for downside and some premium for sideways movement...

Coming weeks will be interesting...I hope Obama does not drop a bomb :)

good luck