Thursday, December 24, 2009

2009 Review

2009 ended up being pretty good. The first few months I was on the sideline and did not do much but I turned bullish in April and the timing was great. Everyone that I knew was bearish then and were sure that the world was coming to an end. When I turned bullish and told people to buy in April, there were 2 people that bought it but others were too scared. The best thing about this is that the model that I built was accurate in calling the top (in late 2007) and the bottom.

As I had mentioned earlier on one of my post that I am trying to start a business in Nepal. I have been fairly busy with that in the past 2 months and will be busy with that in the future too. I love trading but due to the new business I had to take money from my trading account and put it in savings because I need the money in the next few months as we move forward with this business. So this past month I just left enough money to trade small and took the rest out. I made 35.61% in December.

I have had few requests from people about trading their account too. In the past I did not want to go through the hassel but now the more I think about it I realize that this may work. This is a great way for me to make some extra money without risking a lot of my own money. There is going to be a charge for it, but if anyone is interested shoot me an email and we can discuss in detail.

Here is my Dec's results.

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Dipesh Parajuli said...

Just awesome!!!! Nepali Trader, u r good. U have proved that time and time. Good Luck always.

Rohin's trading said...

Great return, I am happy for you. Which brokerage firm you used?

Nepali Trader said...


I use interactive brokers.